loop head walking tours

Loop Head Walking Tours

with local man martin haugh

Loop Head Peninsula in County Clare which was recently voted “Best Place to Holiday in Ireland” by the Irish Times is one of Ireland’s most scenic locations and possesses an abundance of natural vistas, diversely beautiful landscape, unique geological and archaeological sites, recreational amenities, and a wide range of festivals and events throughout the year.

The gateway to this area is the seaside town of Kilkee, popular with generations of beach goers. The town has a handsome Victorian seafront, breath-taking coastal cliff walks on both sides of the bay, a gentle sloping crescent shaped blue flag beach, an 18 hole golf course situated on the cliff top, many secret coves for exploring and the famous Pollock Holes. The Pollock Holes are lovely, clear sea pools uncovered when the tide is out. While the Atlantic waves may beat on the rocks a hundred yards beyond you, the pools themselves are usually calm and protected.

There is so much to do in this area and Stella Maris Hotel is the perfect base to enjoy time exploring this unforgettable part of the world. Let Martin Haugh of Loop Head Walking Tours help you to create your tailor made walking experience of the Loop Head Peninsula.

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